The Mediocrity Epidemic

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; Lick it once and you’ll suck forever.  

~Brian Wilson 

What comes up for you when you hear the word mediocre?

I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t think of someone who is living a life of their terms.

I’ve been really thinking about this word lately, because many of my clients will sit in mediocrity for years if not decades.  

I am all too familiar with mediocrity myself.  I had no idea I could create a life I loved and create it on my terms for that matter.

Recently I was coaching a few different clients and I really noticed this theme come up really strongly.  There was a general theme in every component of their life and it all stemmed back to this one thing-tolerating living in mediocrity.

So what is this thing that I have lovingly coined as the mediocrity epidemic?

The definition Mediocrity is:

Of only ordinary.  Moderate quality.  Barely adequate.  

Epidemic:  affects many individuals.  Widespread

80% (if not higher) of people live with this epidemic. Covid’s got nothing on this contagious infection.

Now, let’s be clear, I’m not talking about having a 9 million dollar mansion or the latest G wagon rendition (hey, if that’s your jam then go for it).  What I’m talking about is living a life that is simply “Meh…”  “just ok.”  It’s not really awful...but it sure isn’t a life you LOVE.  It definitely isn’t a life that lights you up.

I’m talking about the marriage that has long since expired, the dead end job that is going nowhere.  I’m talking about the extra weight you keep saying you’re going to take off and you just don’t take action or the friend group that you know isn’t a good influence.  I’m talking about stalling on taking action to build a really healthy relationship with yourself.

The problem with mediocrity is that you can live there FOREVER.  “ ain’t really THAT bad right?”  Could be worse...i hear it all the time. It’s the kiss of death.

Mediocrity is usually not quite painful enough to take action-to really step into risk and change.  And so you sit.  And you tolerate until yet another year passes you by.  

But I want to invite you to start playing with a different question.  I want you to start to pivot from

“How much do I need to bare.,” TO ``How good can it get?”

Big difference right?

How good can you make your life? How ‘alive’ can you be? Or as my coach says-”how good can you take it?” How good can you really make your life?

Here are a few characteristics of someone who falls into the mediocre trap. Perhaps you will recognize some of these.

1). Mediocrity keeps people in the comfort zone.  And NOTHING good happens there.  If your in the comfort zone, your not growing, Period.

2). Mediocrity creates an atmosphere where people always want what’s convenient.  I’m all for simple yes.  But sometimes it takes a stretch to really step out and move past convenience mode.  Convenient is for gas stations-not for creating a life you love.

3). Self deception can take hold in the midst of a mediocrity epidemic.  It’s easy to convince yourself that things are great, rather than actually do the work to show up and make them great.

4). When you live in mediocrity, avoidance of risk is an absolute MUST.  Why step into risk and put yourself out there when things are not so bad.  Again-go back to number 1.  Change requires risk.  And most people aren’t willing to take the risk to grow and change.

5).  Avoidance of any and all conflict.  I could write a whole entire blog post on this one (and perhaps I will), but I want to really challenge to think about conflict in a whole new light.  Personally i LOVE conflict.  Because conflict simple is two people not sharing the same opinion.  That’s it.  It doesn’t mean we have to argue.  It doesn’t even mean we have to raise our voice.  It’s just two people not agreeing on the same idea or belief.  When I step into conflict from someone I have the option to learn.  My ego can be strong at times, but hey-I want to learn from others in order to grow.  So I choose to enter into a conversation to learn something new-not just to shut my mouth, sit in silence and “not open up THAT can of worms.”

6). Not my problem.  People who are infected by the mediocre epidemic tend to view the problem of the world with indifference.  When you are truly living a life you love you are fully connected to your purpose.  And your purpose is your why-it’s what pulls you everyday to keep making an impact, to share your message and to make a difference in the world.  Anyone who has a radical compassionate relationship with themselves and who knows who they are simply does not sit in indifference.  

Mediocrity is quite frankly-tolerable. 

And that my friends is why so many people choose it for a very long time.  For most it’s a lifetime.  

I get it-growth is painful  Change is painful. 

But what’s really painful is staying stuck somewhere that you don’t belong.  You were not born for mediocre.  

What you need to do is grab hold of the vaccination for this epidemic and cure yourself.  

This requires some radical honesty first and foremost about why you are allowing to live anything less than ALIVE.  It’s getting real with yourself and asking the hard questions-’Why am i tolerating?’  ‘Why don’t I believe I deserve more?’  ‘When did I make agreement with the mediocre epidemic?’

For most people change will come from a crisis.  Personally I cannot stand the airplane analogy of putting your own mask on before helping others when it comes to caring for yourself and making changes.  Because when you are putting your own mask on-it means there is already a crisis.

Let’s not be that woman who waits for a crisis to move out of the mediocre epidemic. Let’s be a woman who owns her truth and takes her life by the hand and reminds it who’s boss.

So what about you?  Are you willing to wait for a crisis to make a change?  What if you woke up every morning with an excitement and a sense of aliveness?  

Can you even imagine?

I think where you get stuck is that you actually don’t believe it.  You don’t think it can really happen FOR YOU.

You fall back into the trap of “Oh well, this is just my lot in life. “ Good enough is all I really know anyway.” Sound familiar?

One of my previous clients Carrie really questioned entering into a private coaching partnership with me because she had truly done “all of the things,” up until this point.  

Working with me and playing with her energy-how she showed up and taking a look at where she was settling for mediocre was a game changer.  She proved herself wrong.  Her business absolutely exploded and she started making an incredible impact with her sales team because of how she started showing up.  Carrie started to say no thank you to a life of mediocrity.

Another client of mine, Molly started to pull herself out of her negativity slump and started to release the weight she had been carrying for years.  She began to take action on her dreams and was eventually able to walk away from a career she hated to being an entrepreneur-the job she had forever dreamt about.  

What changed?  Their energy.  How they showed up for life.  They stopped tolerating mediocrity and applied the tools they learned in coaching to CHANGE.

I don’t know about you but I learned a ton of information in school growing up.  I learned english, science, math, psychology, history….but nowhere did I ever learn boundaries, self worth, how to speak kindly to myself, how to love myself, how to cultivate confidence and how to really empower myself.

The point?  If these things feel challenging for you-go easy on yourself-they didn’t come easy to me either at first.

Here’s what I want you to walk away with:

You have the ability to live a life of radical acceptance and compassion for yourself.  

You have the ability to be an expression of your purpose and to live the life of your dreams.  

You deserve much more than a life of mediocre

Somewhere you bought into the lie that you were broken.  But it’s not true.  Unless you're Humpty Dumpty.  

So how you do get from where you are now to the life you desire?  You build your toolbox, you step into radical acceptance and compassion for yourself and you have someone holding you accountable and sharing a space of non-judgment and love.

You just haven’t learned the skills and tools you need to change your life, and change how you feel about yourself.  

Molly and Carrie had NO idea how to access their personal power, set boundaries, uncover their purpose, cultivate confidence and live with clarity, courage and conviction.  But they were willing to take the first step and LEARN.  And apply.  And when I tell you everything changed, EVERYTHING changed. 

I am inviting you to do the same. join my new live FREE workshop-The Power of You. This interactive, workshop-style training is designed to help you harness the power of choice within your own life, learn techniques to create sustainable change, and ultimately create the life you dream of.

You’re going to discover what it really means to live life on YOUR TERMS.  Happiness will no longer be something outside of you.  It will be your new reality.  No more being infected with the mediocre epidemic.

 Space is limited so you must take action.   Let’s move on with the show. Claim your spot HERE

I hope you know that you don’t have to sit in mediocrity any longer.  I want you to hear me say you are WILDLY worthy.  Your uniqueness is God given and I want you to let it shine!  You are deserving of all your heart is asking for.

You Matter,



There really is NOTHING wrong with you!


People Pleasers are LIARS!