Krista Resnick is a master coach, boundary expert, podcaster, mother to 3 adultish boys and two English bulldogs.

Her love and passion for boundaries is the byproduct of her own story.  Having spent decades pleasing everyone else, Krista felt disempowered, inauthentic, and passionless in every aspect of her life.  Through her own personal healing work, she began to find great empowerment through the art of boundaries and expressing her truth.

Now, serving hundreds of women across the globe, Krista has witnessed the transformative power of embodying healthy boundaries.  She strongly believes that a well boundaried life empowers women to stop people pleasing and come back home to themselves so they can create lives and relationships that are purposeful and passion-fueled.


Nothing has pushed my edges out more than being an entrepreneur.  When I started on this journey, I felt like a fraud and imposter.  I kept circling around the story of what do I have to offer?  Who would listen to me?  What did I have to share?  Slowly, it was as if I built the bars to my own cage.  And that cage kept me trapped-keeping me fearful of what others would think of me.  

Would I know what I was talking about? Did I really know what I was doing?  

Looking back I was able to pinpoint that I spent most of my life fawning (the 4th stress/trauma response) which looked like people pleasing, merging with other’s emotions, not speaking my truth and contorting myself into who I thought everyone else wanted me to be.  Not to mention, I compared myself to others, thinking that everyone else had their life together but me.  I hustled for my worth and I collapsed the growth and ‘success’ of my business with how worthy I believed I was.  I didn’t know any other way, but I knew that this way had to stop.  

I was tired of being tired.  I was exhausted, lonely, frustrated, disappointed, resentful and overwhelmed.  

Do you know those feelings too?  

Boundaries were some of the best and fastest ways to my own personal power and freedom.  I  had to learn how to set healthy boundaries with the parts of me that wanted to hide and blame others for why my life and business wasn’t moving in the way I wanted.  I had to learn to set healthy boundaries with my inner critic that wanted to keep me small and caged behind the bars of protection.  And I had to set boundaries with that part of me that strived to get it perfect and know that it was ‘right.’

This is now the very work that I help other overwhelmed women master.

If you’re ready to start feeling GOOD, BRAVE, COURAGEOUS, CONNECTED and POWERFUL then click HERE