What is pulling you?

What is holding you back from being pulled forward?

Is it a toxic relationship, bad habits, apathy, anger, resentment, lack of purpose and vision or buffering devices (things like mindlessly scrolling the internet or binging out on chips, ice cream, alcohol)? Or how about negative self-talk or a job that is sucking your soul?

If you want to live a purpose-fueled life, you’ve got to take action on the things that matter to you.

You’ve got to take action (even if they’re baby steps) AWAY from the actions that are keeping you stuck.

Sitting in a low energetic state (doubt, fear, insecurity, disappointment, worry), only keeps you stuck. You are actually perpetuating that original thought of -I’M STUCK!

Recently I was working with a client who stated she was in a funk. She wasn’t taking action, she wasn’t prioritizing herself or her energy, because she was so committed to this story of, I’m in a funk. So guess what? THAT is exactly where her energy was flowing-to the funk. I’m never going to tell you to not offer yourself grace and compassion-sometimes we just wake up and life feels off from the minute our feet hit the ground. I am however going to tell you that it is always YOUR responsibility to choose if you want to sit in the funk or if you want to do something about it.

So HOW do you actually pull yourself toward your vision and away from the pain-away from the ‘funk?’

Here are 2 simple and powerful questions to shift:

1). Ask yourself-What is the story I am telling myself about this situation? We humans are master storytellers, but many times the stories we tell ourselves just aren’t all that helpful. We create laundry lists of excuses as to we can’t and what is standing in our way the very thing we want to accomplish and create. This is coming from a place of lack and scarcity. If you’re going to be proficient at storytelling, make it a good story. Tell a story that fuels yourself with all that could go right and all the reasons why you should take action toward creating the life you want.

Did you know that you think approximately 60,000 thoughts per day? And what’s even more mind blowing is that out of that 60,000-95% of those thoughts are on repeat over and over every single day.  It’s also worth mentioning that human beings are hard wired for negativity.

So what I’m trying to tell you is that if 95% of our thoughts are on repeat and much of what we automatically think is negative, then what I’m trying to help you understand is that more than likely the story you are telling yourself all day long is all the reasons why you can’t! You are playing those limiting stories all day long in your head.

Bottom line-everyday you are waking up thinking the same thoughts, which drive you to feeling the same low level feelings.   If you continue to think the same thoughts and embody the same feelings you will never create the life you want. You will never make your dreams a reality.

It’s imperative that you tell yourself a new story.

My client in the example above, was so attached to all the reasons she couldn’t move her body and work toward her health goals. When we started to feed her mind with the thoughts she needed to think to take action, she literally started to change, because of one small choice after one small choice.

Now, let’s stay with this same theme and go even deeper….

2). Ask yourself, what are my thoughts saying to me?

I have observed that one of the biggest sources of suffering comes from what we choose to believe about our reality. You see there is what happens in life (which we cannot 100% control) and then there is what we choose to believe about it (which we can 100% control).

We give meaning to everything in our lives and often choose meanings that make us miserable!

We suffer because we hold on for dear life to the belief that if our life were different in some way it would be so much better!

Here’s a great example: I recently worked with a client who bought into the belief that she needed to hustle 24/7 and have high sales in order to be successful. When she didn’t she the numbers in her sales that she EXPECTED to see, she made it mean that she was lazy, unproductive and unsuccessful. She went even further to make it mean that she had been wasting her time, and was failure.

She then used these beliefs to beat herself up which only made her feel worse and zap all her motivation and energy. It robbed her of quality time with her kids, her husband and her friends because she started to be consumed by these meanings.

She even went on to collect evidence that supported her beliefs, by comparing herself to all her friends and team members who she judged as ‘so much more successful’ than she was.

Whew-heavy stuff right?

This client was miserable because she was creating her own suffering. She had nothing to be miserable about-she had so many amazing things going on in her life. A husband who adored her, a great job, kids that loved her, a nice home. Life was good.

Assumptions are one of the 4 big energy blocks that holds people back from their true potential and growth. It blocks them from sustainable success and happiness. Assumptions will never lead to your peace, clarity and happiness. They will only lead to disappointment and frustration. The reality is, we never know that what we believe would be better is actually true.

What is actually true is that believing thoughts that make us spiral downward and put us into low vibe energetic states (states such as sadness, disappointments, frustration, resentment, anxiety) move us out of trusting ourselves and source.

I am obsessed with busting up beliefs, because I understand what can happen when we let them go and choose to believe something different.

One of my favorite methods to help dissect beliefs is from the work of Byron Kate-one of the wonderful Pioneer Godmothers of thought work.

Begin by bringing the belief or thought that has you tripped up to the front and center and then ask yourself these four questions:

1). Is this thought TRUE (such as in a court of law, can you actually prove that it’s true?)

2). Can you absolutely 100% KNOW that it’s true?

3). How does believing that thought influence you? How do you react? How do you show up when you believe that thought? What happens (hint hint: most answers will be self-defeating and negative).

4). Who would you be without that thought? (hint hint: most answers will be self-supportive and positive!)

The final step is to reframe your original thought into something that feels better. Something that fuels you to take action. Something that helps you go in the direction you want to pursue your happiness and feel amazing.

Remember-you are a Co-Creator of your life. Let go of how you think life SHOULD be so you can step into the potential that life has to offer you.

“Don't believe every thing you think.”
― Byron Katie

You Matter,


P.S. I’m so excited to share with you my upcoming masterclass-The Power of You. Harness your Inner Power and step into your highest potential by attending this course and learning how to master your energy.

Self Mastery is learning how to master your energy so you do not want to miss this class! Claim your spot HERE


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